Hello whoever!

Life in Iowa has taught me how to dance with snow. The world is not perfect since human nature is not perfect. However, I am truly grateful about my life. Different people came to me. Some left me soon; some I thought would stay but left me eventually; Some have been staying ever since. I thank all who have come to me and taught me things. Keep happy everyone! : )

I used wordpress before and moved to Github after the previous server was hacked couple times. Most of the old records were lost which is not a bad thing because it pushed me to make the change. Life need to be as simple and neat as possible. Now my posts are local and in Textile or Markdown. It is automatically transformed by Jekyll into a static site. This website layout is a fork of Sreejith Kesavan with some minor modifications. I really like the clean and simple style. Thanks a lot Sreejith Kesavan!


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